According to National Policy of Education 1986, UGC-Academic Staff Colleges were established in different parts of the country in 1987. Out of 66 UGC-Academic Staff Colleges, UGC-ASC, Mysore was established in 10 th July 1987. These colleges are renamed as UGC-Human Resource Development Centres (UGC-HRDC) in 2015. Since 5 th September 2023, these centres are renamed as Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre. At present 116 MMTTC’s are functioning in different parts of the country.
As on 31.03.2024, this MMTTC has conducted 129 Orientation / Faculty Induction Programmes,422 Refresher Courses, 144 Short Term Courses/workshops, 29 Webinars, 01 NEP Orientationand Sensitization Programme and a total of 28,549 teaching and non-teaching staff haveundergone training in our Centre.
The MMTTP will address the needs of teachers in colleges/universities as determined by the UGC through Faculty Induction Programmes/Refresher Courses/Short Term Programme/Faculty Development Programme.
To build competencies in faculty for better teaching, learning, research and academic leadership by aligning them with Indian values and updating their knowledge and skills according to the needs of society and NEP 2020.
To motivate teaching and non teaching members for enhance their knowledge of teaching-learning, administration and research in higher educational institutions.
To inspire teaching and non teaching personal for self-evaluation, accountability and to originate innovations in higher education.
To organize quality programmes customized to meet the changing needs of the new generation learners.
To create a State-of-the-Art Training ambience which would ignite teachers motivation and promote efficiency.
To provide leadership in Higher Education and Training for imparting value added education.
The salient objectives of the MMTTP scheme in alignment with NEP 2020 are:
Achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development..
Improving the quality of Education at all levels by infusing quality and excellence in our Teachers, students and teaching-learning.
To ensure holistic development of the teachers and learners with inculcation of ethics, and human values as enshrined in Indian culture and familiarize them with the Indian Knowledge System (Bharatiya Gyan Parampara.).
To build respect for the eco-balance and biodiversity existing in nature and adopt Sustainability for life.
To ensure the role of faculty as active participants in institution and nation building.
To empower Faculty members as lifelong learners through continuous professional development.
The functions of MMTTC encompass planning, organizing, implementing Faculty Induction Programmes (FIP) for newly appointed college/university faculty members.Additionally, MMTTC will organize Short Term Programme/ Faculty Development Programme (STP/FDP), Refresher Courses (RC), etc. for serving teachers, researchers,senior administrators, heads of departments, principals, officers, non-teaching staff etc.,and orient them on NEP 2020 themes through NEP Orientation and Sensitization programmes.
The MMTTC’s main philosophy is to keep in mind that the teacher is central to the system. As the pace of change has accelerated, the future of higher education has become more unpredictable and discussions about how to maintain its relevance to country’s dream intensified.Under the given scenario, the role of the teacher has evolved over a period of time and in the present year of globalization, it is expected that teachers will assume the role of a change leader and a felicitator.
The UGC Review Committee which had earlier reviewed its functioning in 1997 had adjudged it as the best UGC-Academic Staff College, and had recommended the upgradation as First Order Academic Staff College.
Reviewed and ranked by NAAC in 2012 as 5 th Top-ranking college among 66 colleges with 63 grade points.
Received RUSA 2.0 Grant of Rs. 7 crores under Component 13 – Faculty Improvement Programme for the period of 3 years from 2019-2020 to 2021-2022.
It was identified as High Performer UGC-HRDC as per the MHRD report (2022).